Our workshop in Bregenz is open on the first Saturday of every month.
A next time this is on October 5th, 2024 from 11:00 to 16:00.
Here you will usually find the information about our current and planned exhibitions. Unfortunately, there are no more exhibitions planned for the rest of 2023.
Painted with fabrics, drawn with threads - Bosna QuiltsA documentary by ORF
Die Bosna Quilt Werkstatt feiert Geburtstag: 30 Jahre! Ein Grund zum Danken und zum Feiern.
Bosna Quilts look good in a wide variety of rooms, in private as well as in public spaces, as a picture on the wall or as a blanket over the bed.
You can buy a Bosna Quilt in our workshop in Bregenz or online. Here is the most important information.
Impressions from exhibitions that have already taken place.
Text: Lucia Lienhard-Giesinger, Daniel Lienhard, Laurenz Feinig.Gestaltung: Grafische Praxis, Feldkirch, Development: weitweit.comFotografie: Daniel Lienhard, wo nicht anders angegeben